Monday, January 19, 2009

What is GFR?

Recently, I was presenting to a group that brought up the term GFR. In particular they were stating that the GFR for there plan was at 48% up from 38% the year before. Now for those of you who don't know what GFR is , it simply means Generic Fill Rate.
Now , If this is the case in your Drug Benefit Plan, it should be expected that this % has gone up. Why? Well, here in Canada we have had a few, very large drugs lose patent. When this occurs you see a spike in your GFR. The real question is can your plan sustain it. In the US today , the GFR is approaching 70 % while here in Canada it sits at about 50%.

1 comment:

  1. More seasoned individuals will have lower than ordinary GFR levels, because GFR decreases with age. Ordinary worth ranges may fluctuate somewhat among various laboratories. A few labs utilize various measurements or test various examples.
